Thursday, February 25, 2010

stumbled upon this...

"We have to get beyond the artificial division we've created between human community and the rest of the planet. There is only one community, and it lives and dies as a unit. Any harm done to the natural world diminishes the human world, because the human world depends on the natural world not only for it's physical supplies but for its psychic development and fulfillment. This is most important, because people talk about the need to destroy the natural world in order to advance in the human world. Well, anything that diminishes the wonder and fulfillment we receive from the natural world spoils the human enterprise."

"That is the tragedy of our children. They don't see the stars because of light pollution, they play on grass poisoned with pesticides, the experience the world as circumscribed by so much human made material. Our children have been taken away from any kind of normal human/earth relationship."

"Imagine a drink of water when you are thirsty. It is as a spiritual experience as it is a physical one. You see a river. You drink from it. The river takes care of you physically and spiritually. That is everything right there."

- Thomas Berry

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